Tuesday 4 March 2008

What God wants me to do?

Over the past few months its become increasingly clear that God wants me (& Rach )to do something in His service, for His purpose.

However, I feel like I'm hidden in a swirling fog of confusion & I can't see my way through it. So I don't know what to do next that's in God's plan for me (us).

I revealed this to my Accountability Group on Saturday morning. They suggested that I pray directly to God about it and ask Him to show me what He wanted me to do / repent / etc?

On Saturday I prayed for a word. God gave me 'confirmation'
On Sunday I prayed for a sign and He gave me a last minute preach on Evangelism and a ready harvest.
On Monday I prayed for a piece of Scripture to guide me. He has 'given' me 2 Timothy.

I'm, watching this space (and continue to pray!)

1 comment:

Mish said...

Hmm... that's interesting. Maybe (and this isn't a criticism) you are too busy 'looking' for what you should be doing next.

Everything is revealed in God's time, not ours, but this can be frustrating and confusing. After all, we're only human. You and Rachel already have jobs in 'His service' - don't underestimate the value of what you do.

I find verses 13 and 14 in 2 Timothy interesting and something to bear in mind as you go off to Skeggie. You've got an incredibly busy month ahead of you so perhaps God is telling you that now is not the right time to be venturing into new things.

The job you do is important, the value of which I'm sure will be revealed over the next few weeks.

Keep praying, keep looking up, enjoy the anticipation of what is to come. x