Sunday, 13 April 2008

Realise - the truth

Real eyes
Real lies

Sprung Harvest

21 Days. Every one a working day. In Spring Harvest's language; 3 set up days, and 3 'weeks', each comprising 6 days. Time is complicated out there. One loses the usual order and progression of time, proving that it really is subjective.

I can be told things, I can write them down on paper, listen to a recording, watch them on video, but until I see them for real, in three dimensions and immerse myself in them only then do I understand them for what they really are. Since September I have been inviting people to speak at Sprng Harvest's Main Event, playing my part in the planning. Yet until I got there I had no real idea of what it is.

Butlins at Skegness and Minehead become villages of Christians. They eat, drink, sleep, walk, play learn and worship together for five whole days (a SH 'week' starts in the evening of Day 1 and ends at lunchtime on Day 6). They meet with each other, they interact, they experience and they take away something with them that they didn't have before. A week at SH isn't just a holiday, its a series of holy days - time set apart from the World, with the purpose of becoming more as God wants us to be.

It is a collection of stories and of journeys. The theme of the event and the programme elements are merely an outline of a great picture, given colour by those who attend - both team and guest alike.

Thousands of guests attend each SH week, served by hundreds of team members, most of them volunteers. I'd like to thank all those who served and contributed; for giving up your time and using your gifts and yourselves in the service of others. It was a privilege to serve God in this way and to work with such a professional team.

God transforms lives. When He's not taking direct action ,He works through His people and events. When we come together as His ekklesia - as Christ's bride, He continues to make His presence known. I was touched by God these past few weeks and I saw others changed also.

I learned:
1) That I had the stamina to make it through the three weeks.
2) That I could perform a new role whilst on site.
3) That in God's world - individuals count. It didn't matter how many people were being catered for; if there were a few or even just one who had different needs, they were looked after as they needed to be, whatever it took.
4) To look deep for skills and abilities.
5) To manage people in their gifting - it is one thing to stretch people outside of their comfort zone; it is another to use them outside of their ablity.
6) That friendships are made and deepened.
7) That we don't always get it right, we won't always get it right. But we always have the choice and opportunity to try.
8) That God was evident there.
9) That the journey continues.

Roll on SH 2009 - Apprentice.